Thanks to being “Freshly Pressed” by WordPress, my blog basically BLEW UP all day yesterday. By this I mean my old record for daily page views (274, the first day of Indie Week) was surpassed before I even woke up fully. In fact before noon the total was around 1000. By the end of the day I happily had a total of 1824 page views for the day. 1,117 of these were for the post that was Freshly Pressed, my latest Aged Pages post. Along with the views came many people “liking” the post and many new followers. What I’m very happy with is the amount of comments I got. That is the best part of writing my posts. I like the interaction I have with my readers. It lets me know what they like, what they don’t, and lets me know they actually read the post 😉 So in the end with this popularity boost (which I really do hope sticks around a little bit because this ONE day somewhat overshadows my entire Indie Week event…not in how much I enjoyed it but in blog response) my blog went from a total of somewhere in the 8,000s for blog views all the way to 10,000!!!! That’s a huge milestone and I’d like to give back finally. I would like to hold a giveaway for everyone. I don’t have much money to spend on books at the moment, but I do have a Gift Card on Amazon that I plan to stretch out over the next few months in order to get some great upcoming releases. I will be sacrificing some of that gift card to the winner of this fun giveaway.


So the giveaway, that’s what you came here for. It’ll be for any TWO Kindle books from the list below. These are some of the books I’ve read and reviews here on the site. They are some of my favorites, as well. I think that’s the best gift I can give you. I loved them, maybe you will as well. I think there’s enough variety where the winner will be able to find two that they haven’t bought already…and if there aren’t two on the list I might be able to work with him/her to find something great and in the same price range.

Would you like to know the books now? Yes, I’ m sure you do 🙂

Prizes to Choose From

As an added bonus I’d like to make you all aware of a few books that I’ve reviewed/have still to review that are FREE (as of the time of this post). This way even if you don’t win, you all still get the chance to grab a book or two 😀

OK, so that took a bit to set up….wait, you’re reading this after it’s posted. I guess you don’t need to know how long it took to put all those links in haha. Well click the titles of the books to see my reviews if you’d like. It could help you decide what books you’d like to win if any. Grab those freebies too. I’m sure there are more I can list, but well I’m getting lazy now.

NOW….how to enter. It’s simple. I don’t care if you follow me, or tweet this, or Facebook post it, or write it in the sky even (though I may pick anyone who does that as a winner no matter what 😉 ).

  • All I ask is that you come here to the post and leave a comment.
    • Tell me what you like about the blog or what you don’t like. What you’d like to see more of or less. Do you want to be a guest doing a guest post or be a guest on either Aged Pages or Authors We Love? Please tell me in a comment, I’m always open for more guests!
  • Please to enter just leave a comment pertaining to something along those lines and you’re in the running.
  • The giveaway is open from the time this posts until Saturday August 25th at 11:59 PM.
    • Then after that I’ll wake up in the morning and choose a RANDOM winner from the comments.
  • Please remember the prizes will be gifted through AMAZON only. If you can’t read Kindle books, I’m sorry. Funds just don’t allow me to go through B&N or somewhere else at this time.
  • If you’re commenting and don’t want/can’t enter, please mention that. I still want to hear from you all 🙂
  • OH, and be sure to leave your email so I can contact the winner.
    • I think when you comment there is a place for it, so you might not need to leave it IN the comment itself….but I know some people comment by using their Twitter or other social media accounts. If that’s the case, please leave an email to contact you with in the comment itself, or it won’t count.
  • To restate once again. The winner will choose TWO of the KINDLE books listed above (not the free ones obviously) as his/her prize.
  • This giveaway is open for international winners as I’ve been told I can give Kindle books to people in other countries. I’ve never done that before, but we’ll see what happens 🙂


WINNER RANDOMLY CHOSEN……..and that winner is……S.M. BOYCE!!!!!!! (I finally get to give HER a prize instead of winning so much from her.)

What were her choices? None other than The 13th Doorway by D.J. Shaw and Wishing For Someday Soon by Tiffany King. Both are great books and I hope Boyce enjoys them. I hope you all had fun with the giveaway and maybe you found a book you’d like to check out. Thank you all for being part of this 🙂

30 responses to “I HIT TEN THOUSAND VIEWS!!! GIVEAWAY!!!!!!

  1. Congratulations on hitting so many views! I am not surprised, since I really think your blog is one of the best ones in the Bloggerverse 😀 What do I like from your blog? EVERYTHING. What would I like to see in your blog? More and more people willing to contribute with guest posts, since it is through that kind of interaction that blogs get to be really successful, and your blog is very good at doing that, mainly because you encourage all of us to participate and let us rant about all kind of things here 😀

    As for the giveaway, thanks for that. Yes, you can gift ebooks internationally 😉 I have got many books in that way. If given the chance, I would choose both books by Miranda Stork, since I was going to get them anyways, and I already own most of the books listed in your giveaway.

    Congratulations once again and thank you for such a wonderful blog!

  2. Fantastic! I feel the same way about views versus comments. I get more excited by the participation of those who do visit than the number of visitors. You must be doing some good things to get picked up for the Freshly Pressed page!

    As far as what I’d like to see on your blog, you’re already doing it: book reviews and author interviews. Both are great ways to turn people on to new reading material.

    Keep up the good work!

    • Sorry that it’s limited to Kindle. In time I hope that I’ll have some sort of income. Then that happens I’d love to have a giveaway at least for other formatted ebooks, and I’d be even happier to afford to give away some print books 🙂

  3. Reblogged this on The Object and commented:
    Author/Blogger Robert Zimmerman has just accomplished what The Object is creeping up on quickly: 10,000 page views. Check out his ebook giveaway and enter to win your choice of 2 out of 19 books!

  4. Congrats!!!! I really like your blog and think that you are doing a great job, so please, keep doing so!!!!.
    Your reviews are very useful for people like me, who sometimes don´t know what book should choose.
    Thanks for the giveaway!!!! and be sure that if I had the chance I ´d choose both books by Jessica Fortunato, I´m looking forward reading them thanks to you!!!

  5. That’s so exciting! I am doing a happy dance and waving banners in your honor. Metaphorically speaking. You’re a fantastic person with a very insightful blog that I do not comment on nearly enough, though I read it and enjoy it weekly, and you very much deserve every ounce of the exposure. I love that you’re supporting indies even for the giveaway! Congrats, man.

  6. Interesting stats – 1,800 hits is a very respectable number – possibly even a top 50 blog back in the day on MySpace, so well done! And what a novel idea for the giveaway!

  7. This is HUGE! Congratulations! I like to visit your page because of the picture at the top of all those worn and well-loved books. It’s a comforting picture!

  8. Congrats!!!!! You deserve all those page views and many many more! Its so wonderful of you to make the effort to put together this giveaway even when funds are low! 🙂
    My TBR list has grown extensively because of you! Thanks for telling us about so many great books and authors. The blog is great, all of it!
    Next stop: 20k!!! 😀

  9. WOW!!! Congratulations! I’m glad I found your blog…I’m not sure even how I found your blog, but I am diggin’ it! KEEP IT UP!!! I’ve listed you on my blog! And, please do include me in your Kindle giveaway!!! THANKS!


  10. I love your post about used book stores. I visit my favorite, Waldon Pond in Oakland CA, about once a week. The best thing I like is your reviews. I have discovered many great reads that I otherwise never would have found. You give enough detail, without any spoilers, that I can tell if the book is for me or not.

  11. Woot! Congrats Rob! You have an awesome blog, and I always like popping in here and seeing what different post you have up that day. Whether it’s the ‘Authors We Love’, or your awesome posts about used bookstores, there is always something cool and book-y in here. Here’s to another 10K views! 🙂

  12. Congrats –I love the reviews it does help to choose books that would have slipped by without being read.

  13. Love the blog and following you on Twitter! The only thing I would want more of us reviews 🙂 I would love to read The Sin Collector and Alien Invasion of the Zombie Apocolypse 🙂 congrats!!

  14. Congrats Rob!! 😀 Your blog has grown so quickly and I’m so glad! I’d love to see another *Indie Week* or something similar (even though I know that took a ton of work to put together). Maybe twice a year instead of just once? And you know you just have to ask if you want me to do a guest post or help with anything. 😀


  15. How awesome! I’m in.

    I like your reviews best. I mean, it’s awesome that you talk about authors you love and neat indie-friendly bookstores, but I really enjoy your reviews most. You consider all sides of an argument when it comes down to a book you didn’t like, and you present them in an honest but kind fashion. And with books you do like, I can really see your passion for reading.

    So keep doing what you’re doing! Love it.

  16. I like that your reviews expose me to many more kinds of books than I would normally pick up on my own. And I like hearing a male view on things too – most the other book bloggers I follow are female – good to hear them both. Keep up the great work!

  17. Awesome getting such ‘over night’ success!

    Keep up the good work. It seems you review a lot of books that are just what my wife likes. I’ll check back before running off to buy her a present.

  18. Way to go!!! I don’t think my blog/site will ever reach that kind of viewership, but it is a niche market. Keep up the awesome job and BLOG ON!!!

  19. Congratulations! I love you tweets. I’m always learning about new books from you and you write excellent reviews! They are very well written, professional and detailed but don’t have spoilers. I’m glad I found you on twitter!:)

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