HRM – Leah’s Perfect Christmas, by Catherine Beck

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Leah loves the trappings of Christmas, but as a nice Jewish girl in New York, she’s always felt like an outsider looking in. So when she gets invited to a picturesque Connecticut Christmas with her adorable new boyfriend’s parents, she can’t wait. The fact that she’d never quite gotten around to telling him that she’s Jewish isn’t going to stop her—she’s going to finally have the Christmas of her dreams.

Graham’s head-over-heels for Leah, but he learned early that asking for what he wants just leads to disaster. Now she’s about to be exposed to the picture-perfect, passive aggressive nightmare that’s a weekend at his parents’ house. And he’s terrified she’ll run screaming for the exits.

In the Westwood household, the only thing stiffer than the drinks and the upper lips is the family pride. Will Leah ever get to experience the magic of Christmas instead of the magic of Pinterest? Or will the combination of cutthroat Monopoly, overcooked goose, and veiled comments be enough to tear them apart forever?

In this romantic comedy novella, discover that sometimes the true meaning of Christmas is Chinese food dinner with your family on Long Island.

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If you’d like to buy a copy of this book, you can find it on:

Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooks

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About the Author:

Caitlin Rozakis is the pen name of Rebecca Rozakis. Marketer by day and writer by night, she has the amazing superpower of causing lab techs and engineers say, “I’ve never seen it do that before!” Which is part of why she left her original field of mechanical engineering and now spends her days explaining in clear English why it can, in fact, do that. After that incident with the murderous robot, everyone is happier this way.

Previous work has appeared under the name R. Rozakis in Cast of Wonders, Daily Science Fiction, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, Allegory, Liquid Imagination, Bards & Sages, Weirdbook, Every Day Fiction, and the anthologies Substitution Cipher, Clockwork Chaos, and Baker Street Irregulars II. She was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and won LUMINA’s 2018 Speculative Fiction contest.

She also writes romance under the name Catherine Beck.

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